About Me

Anselm Sim Kheng How
19 years old going to 20
Studied in BPGHS
Studied in SAJC
Now serving NS
Loves SNSD
Loves to eat
Loves to watch horror movies

Wants to be slimmer, healthier
Wants good results in life

20th August 1992 is my special day


Jun Jie
Daniel Teh
Eugene Chew




Black, White and a tinge of Grey - Unexplained Point of Relaxation

Friday, November 1, 2013

所谓,日有所思,夜有所梦。I know I have not blogged for like... 15 f**king months, but I just want to note down here the most bizarre dream I have even dreamt.

Everyone knows that October 31st is Halloween, no doubt about that. Recently I chanced upon a video by DanKhooProductions named "10 types of PDA", where it literally shows you how people sometimes have PDA around strangers or even their friends. I thought my day was just going to end without much happening, boy was I wrong.

Like most dreams, I probably only remembered 20% of the content. My dream started off with me on a public bus with a girlfriend. The scary thing is I know the girl in real life and she already has a boyfriend. All of a sudden, we started kissing fiercely as if we are glued together.(Ba Dum Tss) What's so sad about this dream after I awoke is that... that's my first kiss... Sigh, forever alone~

After that, I briefly dreamt that my mum painted her face black and white and attempt to scare me for Halloween. . . . lol . . .

I posted at 8:18 AM

Friday, July 27, 2012

Yesterday I went to register for the upcoming Dragons Exalted pre-release at Bukit Batok. I was at West Mall and had no idea how to go there. I asked a few people for directions and the usual "I'm not sure", "No idea" replies greeted me. Then I encountered this young lady, and I decided to ask her for directions. She's probably 21 - 23 years old. She stopped, smiled, and took out her blackberry to check for exact directions. On top of that she walked me ALL THE WAY to the exact location for registration! Throughout the approximate 2km walk, we had a little nice chat about herself working currently in MINDEF as a civilian, what to expect from local universities, how I'm currently an NSF in Airforce and so on. She claimed when I asked her that it's really okay cause she usually goes there with her family to have dinner and stuff, and that her house's just 10 minutes walk and that she doesn't mind. That really put a smile to on my face for a long while. =D

I posted at 1:21 AM

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I want to be a great dancer.

I want to be a great swimmer.

I want to be fluent in reading, speaking and understanding Korean.

I want to be able to do 20 pullups.

I want to be at 75kg.

I want to be a legend in 2012!

I posted at 7:46 PM

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Now that I'm at it, I just want to post some random things I will do right away when I ORD.

1) Learn how to dance WOOTS

2) Ensure I can read, speak and write Korean fluently and complete my Self-Learn Korean book.

3) Find some friends to backpack to Korea DUH

4) Stay fit!

5) Swimming...

I posted at 12:00 AM

Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm simply frustrated over NS, over the inefficiency of SCS and the flow of command and stuff like that. Seriously NS not only saps your life away, it also makes you stupider and more impatient as a person. Reason simply being you can't expect everyone to think exactly like you. You can't expect everyone to have the same "brilliant" idea of how things can be done faster and how more admin time can be squeezed out in between.

Admittingly, I myself am more or less someone who follow through motion all the way. Back in the days of BMT I had always wanted to become an officer, hold the prestige and plan for activities in the SAF. However I just ain't good enough, I guess, such that I ended up in SCS. Oh well. The first few weeks can definitely be considered a "chalet", with everybody totally taking things easy and enjoying life. As soon as the hi-key events kick in, the efficiency and discipline starts to drop drastically.

I can say that SCS has changed me for the worst. Looking at how people act and behave generally, the regimentation just ain't enough. I am actually "encouraged" to follow through the motion and taking things easy rather than ensure everything is properly done and in place. As far as possible I try to share with random cadets that actually bothered to listen, but their similar helplessness of how things are done in SCS can also be felt.

Since I'm on the subject, I might as well discuss one particular issue which I just couldn't get it: How the cadets are generally carrying themselves.

My close friends and acquaintances will probably know that I dislike the word "Fuck", or any other commonly used vulgarities such as "Chee Bye" and " Lan Jiao". My argument is actually... hmm... pretty simple. Does scolding "WTF" improve the current situation you are in in anyway? Does scolding "Walao eh Chee Bye" change the fact that you still have 2 more cm to get Gold for IPPT? The arguments and questions can go on and on, I know a lot of individuals only scold these stuff when they really "could not take" the situation at that point in time, I just don't understand some of us who scold them like, habitually.

I know I can go on and on and on about this topic for everyone who actually bothers to listen. One last thing I wish to share is that some of these people who scold vulgarities habitually actually have girlfriends.

I know, of course, that I have never had a girlfriend, so I definitely don't understand "how it feels" to not have one. However, from the point of view of a bystander, I can actually observe people around me who talk like all lovey-dovey on the phone but scolds "Fuck" at me regularly. Again, I have unexplained questions: Why the split personality? Does scolding "Fuck" at your friends in your bunk for NSFs and maintain a lovey-dovey relationship with your girlfriend outside the norm of the freaking society? Can't you just treat everyone around you equally as polite and with respect?

I think in days to come, I will start a new series: The unexplained mysteries of NS. I know I oughta be more optimistic and receptive to new people, but they ain't getting the respect they deserve from me, I guess. Until then, back to learning Korean, an attempt to distract myself from this heavily flawed system.

I posted at 5:01 PM