About Me

Anselm Sim Kheng How
19 years old going to 20
Studied in BPGHS
Studied in SAJC
Now serving NS
Loves SNSD
Loves to eat
Loves to watch horror movies

Wants to be slimmer, healthier
Wants good results in life

20th August 1992 is my special day


Jun Jie
Daniel Teh
Eugene Chew




Black, White and a tinge of Grey - Unexplained Point of Relaxation

Friday, July 27, 2012

Yesterday I went to register for the upcoming Dragons Exalted pre-release at Bukit Batok. I was at West Mall and had no idea how to go there. I asked a few people for directions and the usual "I'm not sure", "No idea" replies greeted me. Then I encountered this young lady, and I decided to ask her for directions. She's probably 21 - 23 years old. She stopped, smiled, and took out her blackberry to check for exact directions. On top of that she walked me ALL THE WAY to the exact location for registration! Throughout the approximate 2km walk, we had a little nice chat about herself working currently in MINDEF as a civilian, what to expect from local universities, how I'm currently an NSF in Airforce and so on. She claimed when I asked her that it's really okay cause she usually goes there with her family to have dinner and stuff, and that her house's just 10 minutes walk and that she doesn't mind. That really put a smile to on my face for a long while. =D

I posted at 1:21 AM